KERS-ONE Overview

The research program has the phase-1 goal of developing a KERS system for buses that can offer a 5% increase in fuel efficiency for buses plying in city conditions. The total duration of the programme will be limited to 12 months at which point a report will be created. A followup programme may be initiated if necessary. Here are the key milestones:

SNO Milestone Duration Description


Build System Model

12 Weeks

Use SANKHYA Teraptor to create a system model


Shortlist Solution Alternatives

8 Weeks

Use model to study various alternatives and identify 2-3 shortlisted alternatives


Build Physical Prototype

12 Weeks

Build a physical prototype using a bus taken on loan from road transport corporation


R&D Report

12 Weeks

Repeat Steps 1-3 to create a working prototype as necessary. Create a report and submit to transport operators

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